Why Do We Attract Certain Situations ?

Why Do We Attract Certain Situations ?

Are you tired of going round in circles attracting the same situations into your life ? This post explains both why and how it happens, as well as suggests the solution to attracting new and exciting situations into your life.

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Why do people resist change ?

Why do people resist change ?

Do people really resist change or is it that they don't know how to change?

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Are Setbacks Really Opportunities ?

Are Setbacks Really Opportunities ?

The author believes that there is no such thing as failure, but rather an opportunity to add more detail to a plan. It's important to view setbacks as an opportunity for growth and learning, rather than a reflection of our abilities or worth. Tips for cultivating this mindset include reframing your thinking, embracing a growth mindset, practicing self-compassion, seeking feedback, and keeping a growth journal. By taking these steps, setbacks can be turned into stepping stones for personal and professional growth.

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